RRI Engineer

Professional Level Certification

What is the RRI Engineer Certification About?

Risk-Resistant Infrastructure (RRI) Engineers are individuals who pass the professional level requirements needed to implement the Campus Incident Management System (CIMS) and harden infrastructure in accordance with the campus-community resilience blueprint. 

What does the RRI Engineer Role Involve?

RRI Engineers are credentialed as system administrators and as leaders of a Buck Stop Assurance Team (BSAT). They prepare the campus’s long-term and short-term plans generated to harden infrastructure. As system admins, they’re liaisons between upper management and the program managers directly responsible for implementing CIMS and coordinating infrastructure hardening. RRI Engineers have the important job of informing decision-makers regarding the nature of the risks, controls, and priorities their campus faces. RRI Engineers determine which work orders designed to harden infrastructure are complete and which require further action or maintenance.  

Who can become an RRI Engineer?

An RRI Engineer must be a responsible adult who completes the training and passes the quiz. This person can be either a full-time employee or a consultant of a campus subscribed to the CIMS platform.